Running With The River: Tales From Paradise at Dusk

Murray Rodgers



Running with the River combines humorous anecdotes of the author’s childhood and teenage experiences on river and stream – a backdrop to a growing adult awareness of the huge diversity of experience the sport of angling has to offer – with a much-needed assessment of the state of New Zealand’s waters.  

From the author:

The book plays with some of the friends I’ve had the privilege to journey with on river, stream and lake. They may have cause to see me as an untrustworthy bastard, and someone they would prefer not to accompany again, especially as I am arrogant enough to suppose what angling might mean to them, and then to write about it. What it means to me has not been entirely overlooked, however, and that may hold a few surprises and laughs at my expense – I have tried to be fair, if not kind. It highlights a range of riches that go far beyond the catching of trout, but with angling providing the reason for spending time in wonderful places with great people. 

The book also looks at the ethics involved in angling for trout with rod and line; commercialisation of rivers by trout fishing guides, and destruction of rivers and streams by other commercial activities. The book argues the case for much-improved management of our marvellous environment, especially our water resources. Also described is the establishment of the Water Rights Trust as a vehicle to help achieve sustainable management of our water resources. 

About the Author

Murray Rodgers spent most of his childhood years on a remote farm nestled amidst the beech forests of western Southland, and as a teenager, on a South Canterbury farm. He was educated at Timaru Boys High School, the University of Canterbury, and from life-long experiences trekking our back-country river valleys with friends and fly-rod in search of the occasional feisty trout. 

He worked as a management consultant and was one of four partners of Rodgers & Partners Consultants Ltd. based in Christchurch. 

He was Chairman of the Water Rights Trust, established in 2002 to help ensure proper management is restored over our rivers, streams, wetlands, lakes and aquifers for the benefit of future generations. 

He is survived by his wife, Jenny, and two adult daughters, Hilary and Diana, who shared his love of the outdoors, but say that this was muted by their sympathy for the trout. 

Previous Publications

Magic in the Mountains: The Adventures of a South Island Angler


ISBN 10: 1-877270-45-8

Pages: 160 pages

Dimensions:  210 x 148mm

Binding: Hardback

Weight:  350g

Author: Murray Rodgers

Published:  July 2003