Greene Lyon – A novel

Alan Goodwin



Isaac Newton was a man driven by a passion to unlock the secrets of the universe. But those were God’s secrets, and 1660s England was a dangerous place for a young scholar who dared to challenge God’s supremacy – a world that also believed in the devil and the power of magic.

But Isaac’s quest to understand the universe would not be silenced, even when tempted by darker impulses and a passion for Alice Cutler, whose life is threatened by a disciple of the Witchfinder General. A desperate Isaac, a seeker of knowledge but also a young man in love and fearing his life is falling apart, is driven to scientific creation and choices with fatal outcomes.

This beautifully imagined novel examines one of our great historical myths and follows Newton’s path to becoming the Greene Lyon, alchemy’s symbolic creature who devours the sun. A compelling story that explores the tensions between the thirst for knowledge and the consequences of desire, Greene Lyon will haunt you long after the apple has fallen from the tree.

About the Author

Alan Goodwin is a Family Court Judge, living in Auckland. He is married to Peta and has two adult children. Originally from England, Alan has lived in New Zealand for 28 years.

Greene Lyon is Alan’s second novel. His previous publications are the bestselling novel, Gravity’s Chain, (HarperCollins, 2006), and Working with Psychologists, co-authored with Llewelyn Richards-Ward, New Zealand Law Society, 2002.

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ISBN: 978-1-99-110323-9

Pages: 320

Dimensions: 229mm x 152mm

Authors: Alan Goodwin

Published: 21 June, 2024
